・be determined to do = ~することを決めている ・be close to doing = もう少しで~する ・contribute to ~ = ~に寄与する、~に貢献する ・replacement = 交換 ★文法 ・時や条件を表す副詞節は、未来のことを言うときでも動詞は現在形になります。 例文: Noun. These terms are used as well in business. Definition: To Be Determined (TBD) is a matter that hasn’t being decided yet. High quality example sentences with “was determined to be” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English These placeholder terms are used also to indicate that a creative work, such as film or album, is upcoming but the exact date of release is not yet know. It refers to something that is yet unknown. to be determined. His real father had gone AWOL about 17 years earlier, and after that his mother had remarried. This is often used in online games when a player is completely stationary and does not respond to any messages. Make sure to remember this so you may know when your boss or client says this to you. For example, “FYI our sales have exceed this year’s forecast and increased by 78% this quarter as compared to the same quarter last year.” No action is really required to be taken, aside perhaps from maybe giving congratulations to the Sales Department. has yet to be determined是 has (not) yet (been able) to be determined的省略. what's the difference between "determine to " and "be determined to " ? 決心した, 決斷した, 心に決めた.【副詞】 I am absolutely determined to prevent a recurrence.再発を阻止しようと固く決意している I was firmly determined not to permit this. 實用基礎文法. 有時也可解釋為To Be Discussed再討論。 For more tips, guides, and tech stuff, follow us. 「S+V+O+to不定詞」の形を取れる動詞 I decided to go to Taiepie. The sales have tentatively been scheduled, Results of the domestic swap are expected, The results of two or more available seat are yet. When you say “to be determined,” it just indicates that there’s still more research to be done about a certain matter before a final conclusion can be presented. It is used in a different situation and it is not limited to business environments. is again to be determined. This principle can apply also in business. 關於我們; 連絡我們; 申 … This abbreviation actually comes from the French expression “Répondez s’il vous plaît”, which is just a very polite way of saying “Please respond”. I was determined to go to Taipei. Перевод контекст "to be determined" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: to be determined by, date to be determined, need to be determined, still to be determined, remains to be determined This abbreviation is used with the meaning “Are You OK,” which is an interrogative phrase, typically used as a genuine inquiry as to someone’s well-being. Teaser episode. to be deleted. $5.00 per month. This is also used to indicate some pending situation or current situation. is yet to be established. Many young soldiers desert or go AWOL after mistreatment and bullying by their superiors or colleagues. to be decided. to be determined later; ここでの “later” は、形容詞ではなく、副詞 「 後で 」。 【発音】 léitə r 【音節】 lat-er (2音節) 略語を用いた ” TBD later ” の表記は、あまり見かけない。 ビジネスには不可欠。 Other terms people might use include: ‘AWOL’ or absent without leave or absent without permission. To be announced (TBA) or To be declared (TBD) – These refers to details that are already determined but are not yet ready to be announced. 第二個關鍵點是:在通常情況下,需要做出選擇的時候,我們用 「decide」。舉一個例子,在餐廳吃飯的時候,服務人員會問是不是準備好了要點餐。這時,如果我們還在猶豫,沒想好到底要選擇哪道菜,我們就可以使用 「decide」 來表示我還沒 「決定好」 —— Sorry, I haven’t decided. be determinedの文脈に沿ったReverso Contextの英語-日本語の翻訳: 例文be determined by, to be determined, shall be determined To be determined のほうが、一生懸命なニュアンスがあると思います。 ベスト回答として指定します。宜しいでしょうか。 Tommy 1211. To Be Determined in a Sentence (Examples): To Be Announced (TBA) and To be Confirmed (TBC) versus To Be Determined (TBD), Commonly Used Abbreviations or What We Know as Business Slang Terms. Or, in your construction of a sentence, it is difficult to follow because the sentences just keep running on, you risk the chance of your message being ignored or deleted. (現在簡單式用法, 我堅決要去台北) 2. 我們再來說說 「determine」。「Determine」 這個詞在表示 「決定」 的時候主要有兩個用法。首先,它可以指 「影響、決定」 一件事情的結果。第二,「determine」 還可以表示 「下決心做一件事」。它和前面講到的 「decide」 相比,感情色彩更加強烈,也更正式。「Determine」 強調一個人在已知自己要做什麼事情的前提下,下定決心去做這件事。比如:I’m determined to learn to drive. 基礎文法核心力 情境多益單字課 新聞英文思考術 自然發音拼讀課 ... they even surround you may not be determined by you, but how your experience of life is on this planet is 100% determined by you. コメント無し | コメントを追加. For an employee or a person to avoid being tagged as AWOL, that person must secure first permission before taking absence or leave. To Be Determined Race Calendar. Function: abbreviation. Check us out on Spotify. Each team member would then provide a list with each account and provide a brief status update of each. 2. For example, the location of a given event has not been decided. To Be Determined affirms the resilience of individuals and communities through evocative—and occasionally unexpected—groupings of works that resonate with current and historical struggles. 文法首頁; 從錯誤中學習; 從實例中練習; 閱讀識字. If you like the show, this will help defray the costs of hosting and producing the show. Experts estimate that most infantry battalions have two or three soldiers AWOL at any one time. This has been used by many to know whether a certain person is okay or not. A forward contract on a mortgage-backed security.The seller agrees to deliver the MBS for an agreed upon price on an agreed upon date (usually 48 hours after the contract is made), but makes no guarantee as to which or how many securities are to be delivered. This term is often used to describe the current context of a particular matter. This is commonly seen and used in event or meeting invitations. In business meetings, the term might refer to the current status of a certain agenda. be determined to doとdetermine to doの違いは何ですか He was determined not to let anything detract from his enjoyment of the trip. It indicates a task or request that doesn’t have a specific deadline, but has to be done immediately and without further delay. • His work retained a pronounced individuality and originality that has yet to be properly acknowledged. play_arrow Teaser: Still To Be Determined. Is this year shorter than normal? Overwatch ® World of Warcraft ® Hearthstone ® Heroes of the Storm™ Warcraft ® III: Reforged™ Diablo ® IV. Often used to indicate to the public that a vacant role in a lineup of musicians, speaker, or other performers remains to be filled. 央廣近年積極革新,除了提供兩岸聽友、網友豐富即時的新聞與優質的空中廣播節目,也透過各種專題網站,以及十種外語網站,將央廣的多元呈現更豐富的臺灣風貌。. 韋氏線上大辭典解釋如下: Main Entry: TBD. We also write our own original material that is available on Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify Radio. © 1999-2021 Study Finance. 央廣要讓閱聽眾在聽見臺灣同時,也透過影音廣播新媒體,一睹臺灣的美好。 But these terms have their different meanings and should not be treated synonymously. This podcast is still to be determined after all ... sorry, bad joke. This is commonly used as an expression indicating that someone has revealed information that is too personal, making the listener or reader uncomfortable. のように、be determined to~の形であれば可能です。 Thank you! IncFile Review: The Best Company Formation Service? Then, create healthy habits that increase your chances of reaching your goals. See example above. News. 大家好,歡迎收聽 BBC英語教學的 「你問我答」 節目,我是馮菲菲。這檔節目回答大家在英語學習過程中遇到的種種疑問。這次要回答的問題來自 「Mon amour」,我們來聽一下她的問題。, Question This only means if your supervisor sends a short email saying “I need the report ASAP”, your supervisor probably means “NOW”. 彼の辞任の意志は固い。 They were determined to maintain peace. (2)I determined to be a teacher. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Definition of To Be Determined (TBD) To Be Determined (TBD) refers to a matter that is yet unknown or something that has not been decided yet, but will be known in the future. When Ms. Sanchez asks specific questions, it has been the team’s tradition to say or note “TBD’ for matters with unclear, unknown or not yet finished, status. “Absent Without Leave” or “Away Without Leave”. An example is you put “ATTN” in your email to direct the letter to specific person in the company. Start by figuring out what you want. Diablo ® II: Resurrected™ Overwatch ® 2. Menu. The continued existence of some species has yet, Food industry representatives also said the study findings had yet. suggests yet to be determined. 聽眾 「Mon amour」 想知道動詞 「decide、determine」 和 「resolve」 之間有哪些異同點。它們翻譯成漢語都有 「決定、決心做某事」 的意思,但單憑英漢詞典上的解釋,很容易混淆 「decide、determine」 和 「resolve」 的含義,這是因為 「決定」 既可以指 「做出怎樣行動的主張」,也可以表示 「一件事影響、決定另一件事情的結果」。在接下來的節目中,我們就來介紹一下這三個近義詞表示 「決定」 時的具體用法和區別。, 先來看 「decide」。首先要記住兩個關鍵點:第一,動詞 「decide」 在表示 「決定」 的時候,指經過仔細考慮後 「做決定」。比如:The course is not really my thing, so I’ve decided not to take it. is yet to be ascertained. • Whether it allows the exercise of … is yet to … I am determined to quit smoking. あなたは otherwise という単語を見たことがあるだろうか?. 'salesperson, books'の定義を学ぶ。発音、類義語、文法を確認しましょう。使用例 'salesperson, books'を、大英語全集で参照してください。 “AFC” of “AFK” can also indicate that employees are currently unavailable and will respond to any of the messages when back online. 我下決心一定要學會開車。 在這裡補充一點,如果把上面這個句子 「I’m determined to learn to drive.」 當中的 「I am determined to」 換成 「decide」,句子就變成了 「I have decided to learn to drive.」 Donate. 是正式使用的英文,但文法書籍對這樣的句構,卻無甚著墨(怎麼辦? 意思為:待決定. Guild summary for the Horde guild 'To Be Determined' on Lightbringer - US. - 文法教學區 - 英語討論區 [ 關於我們 │ 聯繫我們 │ 加入收藏 │ 設為首頁 │ English.tw 個人部落格 | | ] Here are some of the most commonly used abbreviations in business and real life: This is used when an information, let’s say the venue or date of an event is still unknown. They handle bookkeeping, compliance and other regulatory requirements for their clients. Check out our new single available on all platforms. Study Finance is an educational platform to help you learn fundamental finance, accounting, and business concepts. John’s future as the senior manager of ABC Company is yet, The doctors said the times of death had yet, Whether Jennifer’s cousin will come at the party is yet, The amount of money at stake in a robbery is yet, A replacement of the employee who took unplanned leave is yet, The final date for the opening of the new restaurant is yet, William said their availability would have, Whether he remains a boxing player after the accident happened, has yet, Whether the trend has been reversed has yet. あやぼーの文法教室*文法なんてカンタンだ! 9,137 Followers, 343 Following, 3,155 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from To Be Determined (@tobedetermined.cc) 1. If someone from you work has been absent for a long period of time, you can ask that person by saying RUOK? The Requested Value Cannot Be Determined iPhone. Stick with your determination over the long run by using strategies to overcome obstacles and keep your motivation strong. = I determined to go to Taipei. The To Be Determined Journal features galleries, essays, travel guides, product reviews, and all things cycling related. The term is also employed in digital conversations or chat rooms, even in the most common platforms such as corporate e-mails and messaging apps. So if you this abbreviation, be happy because that person is commending you for a job well done. to be defined. And it is to everyone’s understanding that “TBD” means “to be determined”, which further means that this matter is currently ongoing, that the team is still working on it and get things done for TBD to become a specific answer. 父與女; 緋聞少女; 天真之歌 - 快餐頌; 隨機挑選文章; 茶餘飯後. To Be Determined (TBD) refers to a matter that is yet unknown or something that has not been decided yet, but will be known in the future. Be determined to do→何かをするとの強い決意 . “Early” means towards the beginning of a period of time. The following phrases are similar, but can be used for different levels of indeterminacy. 「どれを選ぶか決める」「意志を固める」「日時を決める」など「決める」の英語をニュアンスごとに5つに分けて説明します。間違って使うと変な英語に聞こえますので、この記事を読んで「決める」の正しい使い分けを覚えてください。 High quality example sentences with “was determined to be” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English 「be determined to do」で「~する決意を固める」という意味になります。 同類の表現. The terms are also often used in sports events and schedules, particularly where one team has locked in a position in a playoff schedule, but its opponent cannot yet be determined because several teams may qualify for the spot depending on their remaining wins or losses for the season, or because other teams have not yet competed in playoff games that will determine who will face the locked-in team. These terms are used when a person will leave the computer and does not do anything. “Away from Computer” of “Away from Keyboard”. この記事は3分で読むことができます。 この記事で解説をするのは、「to be」についてです。 「to」は英語の学習をする度に毎日のように目にする前置詞です。 ですが、そんな「to」であっても完璧に理解している人は少ないはずです。 みんなの英語 。 用法前面別忘了 be 動詞, 如: 1. determinedとは意味:determined adj. This abbreviation is used if you wish to emphasize that the information that follows is either a reminder or a useful piece of data that need to be communicated. 大学受験やTOEICに出てくるだけでなく、ビジネスシーンなどでも頻出の副詞だ。 ここでは、主に3つの意味を持つ otherwise について、例文を交えてお話ししていこう。 它剛好跟過去式的determined長的一樣而已. Other similar phrases sometimes used to express the same sense, and using the similar abbreviations, include, “to be arranged”, “to be ascertained”, “to be adjudicated”, “to be decided”, “to be declared,” and “to be done”. This expression is also used when you want to tell someone that what they have said should be kept private or is embarrassing. 比如:I’m determined to learn to drive. In linguistics, grammaticality is determined by the conformity to language usage as derived by the grammar of a particular speech variety.The notion of grammaticality rose alongside the theory of generative grammar, the goal of which is to formulate rules that define well-formed, grammatical, sentences.These rules of grammaticality also provide explanations of ill-formed, ungrammatical … Make a 1-time donation. 「to be」を使った英語文章は、色々な場所で目にすると思います。目にする頻度が高いということは、覚えておいて損はないということです!今回は「to be」の代表的な2つの使い方を解説します! | 日本ワーキングホリデー協会 Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. to be done. is yet to be discovered. これは文法上の問題ではなく、むしろ意味上の問題です。 その問題は、「set」が(例えば変数と値との)対応関係を表すのに対し、「to be」は最も自然な用法では状態や性質を表すのに使われる、というこ … Acronym. 彼らは平和を守ろうと堅く決心していた。 For instance, a lady at the checkout line at the mall tells everyone in line about how she had blood in her urine because of her urinary tract information. 總之The reason behind the murder has yet to be determined. If there was a pending situation or task that need to be addressed and a person wants to ask and update regarding the matter, but there’s still no result or final conclusion to be presented at the moment, the answer “it is yet to be determined” can be provided. 不定詞の受動態はto be 過去分詞という形で、「~されること(名詞的用法)」「~されるべき(形容詞的用法)」という意味です。ここでは、不定詞の受動態の意味と使い方について例文と練習問題を用いて分かりやすく解説しています。 • However, the site this year has yet to be determined. In vacant government and business positions, these placeholder terms may be used to indicate that an available organization position is expected to be filled, or in other words, a particular individual will be employed in an as-yet-uncreated position. As soon as possible indicates a near future relative from now, while as early as possible is relative to a time period such as early that day or early that month or early that year. この記事ではbe to構文とは何か、という基本的な内容から、5つの意味・用法について紹介します。be to 構文の問題は全て正解できるようになるので、今後の勉強の参考にしてみてください! This should be distinguished from ASAP. 動詞の目的語5. In simple language, this is refers to notice taken of someone or something. 1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - to be determined とは【意味】未定(TBDと省略されることもある), 別途打ち合わせ...「to be determined」の意味・例文・用法ならWeblio英和・和英辞書 [mixi]英語学習法・英文法のQ&A S worry that 節は、正しいですか? アメリカのYellowstone Riverのオイル漏れの記事を読んでいます。 こういう英文が出て来たのですが、これは正しい英文ですか? Environmentalists worry the oil will end up contaminating the Missouri River To be confirmed (TBC)- These refers to details that are already determined and announced, but are still subject to change prior to being finalized. 文法的なルールはもちろん大切だが、やはり触れ合う英文にリアリティがあったり、英文そのものから学びを得られる方が、勉強していても楽しいはずだ。 ... She determined to go college to get better job. 我的"推論"的基礎是根據這裡(4)! Any amount is helpful! ),所以我們能看到的解釋,都是"推論" 因此我認為. to be richの日本語への翻訳をチェックしましょう。文章の翻訳例to be rich を見て、発音を聞き、文法を学びます。 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs start date to be determined by NHL Regular-season schedule extended to May 16 after Canucks COVID-19 outbreak to be discussed. To Be Determined: Home About Contact Reviews We're the band you're looking for A Perfect Mix of the best music from the 80's to Today! KUTGW or the phrase keep up the good work is used to encourage a person to continue doing the good things they are doing now. We will upload significant Northeast races to this calendar, often with links to Bikereg in the description. determinedの文脈に沿ったReverso Contextの英語-日本語の翻訳: 例文determined by, is determined, to be determined, as determined, shall be determined Diablo ® … TBD【To Be Determined】とは、未定、未確定、未決定などの意味を持つ英語表現。単に決まっていないだけでなく、後で決める予定である、将来確定させるべきである、という含意がある。書類などを作成する際に、項目は挙がっているが発行・公表までに内容の確定が間に合わない場合などに記載される決まり文句である。 He determined not to let anything detract from his enjoyment of... 英語. We hope you’re The Requested Value Cannot Be Determined issue is fixed. My Account %USER_BATTLETAG_FULL% Blizzard. タバコをやめる決心をしました。 He is determined to resign. Sending this message indicates that the host of the event needs to know the approximate number of present guests in order to organize everything accordingly. Conclusion: In the above troubleshooting guide, we have gone through all the ways by which the requested value cannot be determined can easily be fixed. So when you receive an email notification about a scheduled meeting saying that the dinner will be “in a restaurant – TBD”; it only means that they haven’t decided yet where to go. Ms. Sanchez is working as an accountant for ABC Accounting Firm. 甚或者是 The term to be determined (TBD) is frequently use to describe the current situation of a particular matter. To help racers and race promoters of all genres we introduce the To Be Determined Race Calendar. 「詳細は追ってお知らせ致します。」 … 本期 「你問我答」 要回答的問題來自 「Mon amour」。她想知道想知道動詞 「decide、determine」 和 「resolve」 之間有哪些異同點。這三個詞語翻譯過來都有 「決定、決心做某事」 的意思,但在使用過程中,它們各自的側重點和所暗含的感情色彩是有區別的。比如:在飯館點餐的時候,如果想表達還沒 「決定好」 要吃什麼,應該用哪個詞?如想表達 「下決心做某事」,用哪個詞最合適?本期節目通過對比這三個詞語在不同語境中的用法來講解它們之間的差別。, 歡迎你加入並和我們一起討論英語學習的方方面面。請通過微博 「BBC英語教學」 或郵件與我們取得聯繫。我們的郵箱地址是 [email protected]。, (關於台詞的備註: 請注意這不是廣播節目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能沒有體現錄製、編輯過程中對節目做出的改變。), Feifei It doesn’t necessarily mean that an action is required to be taken. $ Any amount . She currently holds the position of Senior Accounting Supervisor which makes her responsible for managing big team of accountants assigned to different accounts with clients from different industries. determined to be prohibited by law 《be ~》法律 {ほうりつ} によって禁止 {きんし} と決定 {けってい} される TOP >> to be determinedの意味・使い方 It’s all too easy for a prospective customer or client to stop reading an email that has too much unnecessary. のようになりますが、自然なのは、自分の意思で決定するという意味の(1)です。 (2)は、「判断する」「決断する」という客観性があります。 (3)I was determined to be a teacher. 正解以外の選択肢では文法的に誤りであるか、自然な文意にならない。 whether「~かどうか」 to be determined「未定」 I am determined to go to Taipei. Each Monday, she reviews the current accounts with her team to get updates and responses about how the operations are going. TBD is typically used in work emails together with other common abbreviations in English language. Using this abbreviation is acceptable in business and email etiquette. Games. Shop. (過去式用法, 我已決定去台北) - determined 也可以形容詞. This is used to indicate that someone took an unauthorized time off from work, school, or other duties. "To be determined"は「保留案件」という様な意味で使われ、頭文字を取って"TBD"と訳される事もあります。 「まぁ、これはティビーディ(保留)で」という感じで使います。 会話の中での使われ方としてはそれぞれ、 "More detail is to be announced." 姐弟對話篇; 比喻片語篇; 兒童故事篇; 益智遊戲; 台灣測驗中心. This term is often used to describe the current context of a particular matter. The computer of an employee is ON but that employee is currently away from it. 2021年比往年短嗎?, Have a lot of plates spinning 如轉盤子雜技一樣,兼顧多項工作, Brexit: The effect on the flower industry 英國脫歐對花卉行業的影響, Changing how we view the Universe 大型強子對撞機實驗結果或改變宇宙認知, Discovering the Universe’s best kept secrets 水下望遠鏡探索宇宙奧秘, Kenyan fishermen and women saving the planet 肯尼亞漁民試用電動漁船助環保, 辨析四個表示 「分配」 的詞:distribute、allocate、assign 和 apportion, Respected, respectable, respectful 都是形容詞,區別是什麼?, Early cherry blossom in Japan likely to be result of climate change 日本櫻花盛花期提前或因氣候變化所致, Climate change: Jet fuel from waste ‘dramatically lowers’ emissions 食物垃圾變航空煤油?研究人員發現減排新招, The Gruffalo: Scent kit brings story to life for visually impaired readers 為視障讀者帶來能 「聞」 的兒童故事, Parkinson’s skin-swab test ‘in sight’ 皮膚拭子檢查 「有望」 用於診斷帕金森病, Ocean pollutants ‘have negative effect on male fertility’ 海洋污染物 「對雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有負面影響」, http://elt.rti.org.tw/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/bbc_qanda_decide_determine_resolve_download.mp3, Except, except for, apart from, besides 四種表示“除了”的說法, Little, a little, few, a few 區分形容 「量少」 的四個說法, Bother, disturb and trouble 三個表示 「打擾」 的詞語. Road, track, mountain bike and … 3) Application period: Application period is determined by the Japan Foundation, in consultation with each local host institution. Say you get an email saying “RSVP until Monday”, make sure you send a reply before the indicated deadline, to confirm your attendance or not. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für to be determined im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). 2MI is also known as the information explosion, infobesity, and information anxiety. What Does “To Be Determined” (TBD) Mean? To be determined (TBD) or To be decided (TBD) – These refers to details that are not yet determined. TBD. Our mom would be proud. is yet to be certain. 中学英語で挫折した人のやり直し文法講座 ⇒第2文型とは?基礎から学べるやり直し文法講座 ⇒第3文型とは?英会話に必須の5パターンとは? ⇒第4文型とは?初心者でも9分で学べる基礎文法 ⇒第5文型とは?文法が苦手でも10分で理解できる簡単パターン To Be Determined Journal is a journal of cycling, adventure and photography, curated by a NYC-based cycling team known as Team To Be Determined (aka Team TBD). 您好!請問一下 「decide、determine」 和 「resolve」 三者之間的異同。, Feifei Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. 那門課並不適合我,所以我決定不去上了。. Attention is the behavioral and cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a discrete aspect of information, whether considered subjective or objective, while ignoring other perceivable information. 2MI can also easily backfire on you when you’re communicating in business. Esports %SIMPLE_LABEL% Support. These placeholder terms and other variations are used very broadly in event planning to indicate that although something is scheduled or expected to happen, a particular aspect of that remains to be arranged or confirmed. • The savagery of our retaliation against the virus has yet to be played out. The guitarist went AWOL in the middle of the recording. 動詞の目的語における不定詞と動名詞の使い分けの解説です。動詞に続く動詞は ing形か to不定詞形のどちらにするかがある程度決まっています。ひとつづつ丹念に覚えていく必要のある英語の学習単元です Determination is a skill that can be learned! Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer. - 研究篇1. It is used in a different situation and it is not limited to business environments. 0. Check it out on Spotify. Jan 31, 2021 00:00:00 . 1,820 Likes, 3 Comments - 超絶シンプル英会話(mami) (@english.eikaiwa) on Instagram: “- - 今日は英語で「To-Doリスト」のつくり方を紹介します♪ - 手帳やオフィスのメモとして使える、たくさんの 「TO-DO リスト」を載せました。 - まず2枚目に、 TO-…” 我下決心一定要學會開車。, 在這裡補充一點,如果把上面這個句子 「I’m determined to learn to drive.」 當中的 「I am determined to」 換成 「decide」,句子就變成了 「I have decided to learn to drive.」, 雖然從語法上看,兩句話都是正確的,但句子的意思其實已經發生了變化:用 「determine」 的時候,強調我 「下定決心」 學會開車,這可能由於種種原因。比如,我以前一直在拖延學車這件事;但在使用 「decide」 的時候,強調有兩個選擇:一是 「學車」 —— to learn to drive,二是 「不學車」;而 「I have decided to learn to drive.」 表明在經過一番考慮後做出了學車的決定。, 最後,來看一下動詞 「resolve」。在這三個詞語當中,「resolve」 最正式。它和 「determine」 的意思相同,表示一個人堅決、堅定地做出一個決定,下決心。, 比如,我們再通過剛剛學開車的例子來講一下。如果我們說:「I resolve to learn to drive.」 我決意學會開車。那麼,聽起來像是在發表一個很正式的宣言一樣,表達了自己非常強烈的決心和信念。, 好了,我們來總結一下 「decide、determine」 和 「resolve」 之間的主要區別。動詞 「decide」 指經過仔細的考慮後 「做出決定」,而且它還可以強調 「做出確切的選擇」;而 「determine」 則比 「decide」 要正式、更堅定,它有兩個主要的用法,一是 「影響、決定」 一件事情的結果,二是 「下決心做一件事」;在這三個單詞中,最正式的一個是 「resolve」,它可以翻譯為 「決意做一件事」,強調決心和信念非常堅定。, 如果你在英語學習中遇到了疑問,歡迎把問題發送到我們的郵箱,郵箱地址是 [email protected]o.uk,你也可以通過微博 「BBC英語教學」 與我們取得聯繫。謝謝收聽 「你問我答」 節目。我是馮菲菲。下次再見!, 代表臺灣向國際廣播的中央廣播電臺,與全球影音浪潮一同並進,除推陳出新各類型廣播節目,也運用既有廣播資源,結合全新製播的影音及改版官網,以「加乘」概念,有聲有影地傳遞臺灣多元面貌。 英語でbe動詞+to不定詞の形は、予定、可能、義務、運命、意図という5つの意味を持ちます。ここでは、be to不定詞の使い方と覚え方について例文と練習問題を用いて分かりやすく解説しています。 All rights reserved.
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